Twitter rival BlueSky hits million installs

Just as Meta’s Threads is soaring and capturing the world by storm, Twitter founder, Jack Dorsey’s Twitter rival BlueSky hits one million downloads today despite being an invite-only app.

Bluesky only sees 8,300 first-time installs per day, on average, and hasn’t been able to garner as much popularity and usage as Threads has in just a day. But as Twitter introduces new policies limiting the experience of the platform, more users seek alternatives to switch to that offers the traditional Twitter platform.

According to the new rules and policies at Twitter has allowed Bluesky to hit its new milestone, as an estimated 300,000 new Bluesky installs were registered since June 30. The largest number of Bluesky installs came from the US, amounting to 40%. Though the app took four months to hit one million downloads, the app would have seen faster rate of adoption had it fully opened up to the public.

The decentralised network has developed its own AT Protocol and will have to compete with rapidly growing Threads and Mastodon, all of which are competing the fill the gap Twitter has left after Elon Musk’s takeover. Bluesky has already announced $8 million in seed funding this week.

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