100g Ferric Chloride P.C.B Etching for printed circuit board For etching printed circuit board boards, etching printed circuit board etchent is most commonly used. Mix the solvent with warm water, and your etching solution is ready. You can also store and reuse the solution.
Caution: This is a highly corrosive chemical. harmful to the skin and eyes. Please make sure all precautionary measures are in place, like hand gloves, glasses, etc.
How to Use:
- Only if you know how to etch printed circuit boards with FeCl3 is this option recommended.
- You must use gloves while etching with FeCl3, as it may cause irritation to your skin.
- Mix the etchant in the water; do not drop water over the etchant.
- Only place the Etchant+ water solution in a plastic box.
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